Sidekick’s solutions
Atopic Dermatitis
About our program
SK-351 is a digital health product that helps people self-manage the symptoms of mild to severe Atopic Dermatitis (AD) or eczema as it is more commonly known.
The cycle of itching and scratching results in increased stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation, decreasing the quality of life for people living with Atopic Dermatitis. This Sidekick program increases awareness through educational resources and encourages the creation of habits through behavioral modification, aiming to improve mental health and overall well-being.
The program focuses on improving treatment adherence and lifestyle factors, helping people stick to a treatment routine with reminders, acknowledging, tracking, and avoiding triggers. Patients are also empowered to break the itch-scratch cycle with numerous tools and education. Access to a lifestyle coach further enhances the support given to people in the program.

Patient-centric education and support programmes are immensely important for the holistic management of patients with dermatological diseases, especially programmes which recognise the importance of patients' psychological wellbeing. The app developed by Sidekick is a great way of empowering patients through the app's programmes and modules.
Professor Anthony Bewley BA (Hons), FRCP
According to research, treatment adherence is the single most important factor in minimizing symptoms. This program helps people living with atopic dermatitis adhere to their medication and lifestyle modification treatment routine, tracking their symptoms, acknowledging and avoiding triggers, improving hygiene, frequent moisturizing, and reminders to take medication.
Research also shows that stressors and poor sleep can induce flares. This Sidekick program provides tools for self-managing stress triggers and healthy sleep hygiene using clinically validated behavioral modification techniques.
Atopic Dermatitis has a powerful effect on the quality of life and mental health of our patients, and psychological and lifestyle factors can also strongly influence the condition. The optimal care of Atopic Dermatitis is therefore holistic in nature, but the limited time available makes this difficult to achieve in standard clinics. The Sidekick app helps to address all of these important, wider aspects of care and so will complement and enhance medical treatments. The programme is enjoyable to use and full of useful information, and I believe it will be hugely beneficial for patients.
Dr. Natasha Harper, Dermatologist
Psoriatic Arthritis
About our program
SK-341 is a digital health solution that is designed to improve the overall health and well-being of people living with psoriatic arthritis. The program strives to help to improve users’ quality of life through the promotion of behavioral change techniques that address key lifestyle factors.
Because of the nature of psoriatic arthritis, people with the condition often underestimate the importance of regular medication adherence and a consistent treatment plan. Furthermore, the joint pain that patients experience can have a far reaching impact on many areas of life, including sleep, physical activity, stress, and mental health.
The Psoriatic Arthritis program adopts a holistic approach to educate users about the disease and the connection between triggers and symptoms so that they can take back control of their health. Various tools within the program encourage users to build positive daily habits, paying particular attention to good sleep hygiene, stress reduction, and regular physical activity. Nutritional feedback from a health coach also provides personalized support to people going through the program.
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Gaining control of symptoms and the establishment of a consistent treatment plan are essential for the effective management of psoriatic arthritis.
This program helps people living with the condition adhere to their medication through education and treatment reminders. These functions further enable patients to understand, identify, and respond to triggers in a healthy way.
In an effort to improve the quality of life of users, the program focuses on reducing overall disease activity and the impact of the disease on the patient. The Psoriatic Arthritis program also aims to improve users’ cardiometabolic health, treatment adherence, reduce flare-ups as well as symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
About our program
SK-331 is a supportive digital health solution for people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The program empowers users through education and habit creation to reduce disease activity, identify symptom progression, and improve quality of life.
People with RA often experience stiff joints which cause pain and inflammation. These flare-ups have a far-reaching impact, increasing stress, sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. This Sidekick program increases awareness through clinically-validated educational resources and encourages the creation of habits through behavioral modification, aiming to improve mental health and overall well-being.
The RA program addresses the needs of adults with mild to severe rheumatoid arthritis in a holistic way, focusing on disease education, physical activity, nutrition, pain, sleep, and stress management. Users are also guided by a professional health coach throughout the journey of the program to encourage them to achieve better health outcomes.

The Sidekick app for rheumatoid arthritis informs well, is motivating for a better lifestyle and puts you in a good mood. I am sure that using this app will have a positive impact on the course of the disease.
Professor Thomas Hügle, MD PhD MA
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The right disease care is vital for the effective management of rheumatoid arthritis.
The RA program helps people living with rheumatoid arthritis gain control of their symptoms with education and behavior change techniques so that their ability to understand and manage their condition increases. The program also features medication and treatment reminders so that users are able to establish an effective and consistent care routine.
Users are able to complete and log tasks in areas such as physical activity, nutrition, stress management, sleep, and treatment adherence. For further personalization of therapy, users have the option to communicate with specialized health coaches. Providing people with Rheumatoid Arthritis with the right support throughout their healthcare journey will empower them to take control of their condition and, ultimately, their overall health and well-being.
Ulcerative Colitis
About our program
SK-311 is a patient support program for people with Ulcerative Colitis (UC). The program focuses on providing users with educational information about their disease as well as consistent support throughout their journey.
At times, the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis are misunderstood. The implications of the disease are far reaching and can affect numerous areas of daily life, including sleep, stress, and mental health. Therefore, people living with Ulcerative Colitis can often feel like their needs are not sufficiently addressed, and deal with feelings of isolation and frustration as a result.
The Ulcerative Colitis digital health solution from Sidekick Health employs compassion and understanding to encourage users to implement positive behavioral changes. By addressing important lifestyle factors, the program can help patients with Ulcerative Colitis improve their overall quality of life.

IBD are complex diseases and there is currently no cure. However, modern drugs are able to dramatically improve symptoms, decrease complications and change disease outcomes. Beyond that, the patients may play a key role in further improving their quality of life. Particularly, by acting on three pillars which are stress, physical activity and alimentation, they can further improve the control of the disease and decrease their medication need. The sidekick health IBD program may help them to become actors in their own disease management.
Dr. Edouard LOUIS, MD, PhD - HCP
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The right knowledge and care is vital for the effective management of Ulcerative Colitis.
The Ulcerative Colitis program supports users to implement behavior change techniques, and understand and manage their condition.
Through positive behavioral techniques, users can create daily habits for self-care and identify and tame their triggers. The features of the program, such as medication and treatment reminders, empower users to manage their symptoms and deal with their disease.
Many areas of life are affected because of Ulcerative Colitis and the program pays attention to key lifestyle factors including stress, sleep, mental health, physical activity, and nutrition. The unpredictable nature of the disease can have a significant impact on the quality of life of patients. Users are therefore encouraged to practice cognitive stress management techniques through thought restructuring, implement good sleep practices, and develop coping skills to deal with difficult situations.
Physical activity and nutrition are also important pillars of the program as users can log their diet and receive coach feedback and instructions. When combined with in-app workouts and physical activity with goal-setting, users are able to identify and implement healthy daily habits.

It is really easy to use and because it can be tailored to the user, the whole experience is very personal. Because of the regular tips and nudges it becomes much easier for you to pay attention to your lifestyle and to avoid behaviors that can make your condition worse.
Jaana Heikkinen, Patient
Crohn’s Disease
About our program
SK-321 is a digital health program for people with Crohn’s disease. The program focuses on behavioral change techniques so patients can better manage their condition and control their symptoms.
The Crohn’s digital health program from Sidekick Health features comprehensive educational content on a number of key areas, including reducing stress, increasing energy levels, getting better sleep, getting more active, and maintaining a healthy diet, giving patients insights and tools to manage their condition.
The Crohn’s program adopts a holistic approach and supports patients to make positive, incremental behavioral changes. Due to social stigma and the unpredictable nature of the disease, Crohn’s can affect the mental health of patients, triggering feelings of shame, anxiety, and depression.
The digital health program from Sidekick supports patients to practice mindfulness and self-compassion to improve their overall wellbeing. Furthermore, increased awareness of the condition and its symptoms supports patients to identify mental health factors and ask for help when it’s needed.
With Sidekick, those affected not only receive important information about their disease, but are also supported in many everyday questions and accompanied in a motivating manner. Sidekick helps people to use their own resources and to actively tackle life with inflammatory bowel disease.
PD Dr. med. Emanuel Burri
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The right disease care is vital for the effective management of Crohn’s disease.
The Crohn’s program is designed to support people living with the disease through education and behavior change techniques so they are able to improve their overall quality of life. The program also features medication and treatment reminders as well as education on how critical treatment and medication adherence is.
Patients are guided on identifying and controlling triggers, practicing stress management techniques, and implementing good sleep hygiene.
Health and nutrition are also core focus areas as the program features a food logging function and physical activity tracker. Patients can receive nutritional feedback from a health coach and instructions on how and why to follow a healthy diet. With the Crohn’s disease program from Sidekick, patients have access to meaningful support whenever and wherever they need it.

What I like best is the feedback I get from the coach in the meal diary. Without the program I would not have dared to change my diet. The app gives me security here. As a result, I was able to gradually change my diet and have lost several kilos so far.
Gerda Neumayer, Patient
About our program
SK-241 is a digital health program designed for people living with NAFLD or NASH (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease). The program aims to improve insulin sensitivity and metabolic health and is specifically tailored to the needs of people diagnosed with NASH.
Lifestyle factors, including diet, stress, and quality of sleep, can greatly impact overall health, especially for people living with a chronic condition like NASH. The NASH program from Sidekick Health emphasizes behavioral changes and positive habit forming by giving users tools and support.
The program empowers self-efficacy and encourages self-advocacy through the use of digital technology. Patients can learn how to tackle the root cause of their metabolic-associated fatty liver disease through knowledge and education. The NASH program can also support positive health outcomes such as weight loss, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease by lowering insulin levels.
The program focuses on educating its users about the inner workings of their condition and provides tips to improve their day to day activities accordingly. Educational content, habit building, and experienced coaches work together in the program to guide patients to better health in a compassionate way.
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People living with NASH can experience a number of symptoms and side effects as a result of their condition. These range from fatigue, cognitive problems, issues with weight and stress, and struggles with mental health.
This program aims to help those living with NASH by providing them with the right support and tools to take control of and manage their disease. Users have access to two-way communication with health coaches, further enhancing awareness and support.
To address issues with weight and digestion, the Sidekick program guides users with information on numerous lifestyle factors, with a great focus on nutrition. A food log is also available with the support of two-way communication with coaches.
The NASH program from Sidekick addresses a number of key lifestyle factors, such as fatigue and stress, through informative video content on mindfulness and the importance of sleep. The user also has access to various mindfulness exercises that they can access at any time.
The overriding clinical objectives of the program are improving insulin sensitivity and stopping or even reversing the disease through comprehensive, well-rounded lifestyle changes.
Program users are also expected to experience empowerment and a greater sense of control of their condition due to the right tools and educational materials encouraging impactful lifestyle changes.
Congestive Heart Failure
About our program
SK-141 is a digital health program for adults diagnosed with heart failure. The primary aim of the program is to reduce unnecessary hospital visits by encouraging patients to implement positive lifestyle and behavioral changes that improve their condition.
Adequate management of heart failure is often resource-intensive, requiring frequent lab work, specialist visits, and time-consuming record keeping by the patient and their primary care team.
The Heart Failure program from Sidekick Health was designed with these challenges in mind. The program adopts a holistic approach and supports people living with heart failure to stick to their overall treatment routine, track their weight, and acknowledge and understand risk factors.
The aims of the program include increased cardiovascular health markers, better mental health, and improved overall quality of life.
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By addressing key lifestyle factors, the Heart Failure program can empower users to build positive daily habits that can have a significant impact on their quality of life.
The program provides educational content on mindfulness and supports patients to adopt a positive physiological approach. By practicing a more positive mindset, patients with heart failure are often able to better cope with the psychological implications of the disease. Increased mindfulness can also lead to better overall mental health, improved sleep, and lower stress levels.
The Heart Failure program features medication and treatment reminders so that patients become more engaged with their condition and are able to respond to symptoms. Furthermore, the program keeps patients engaged through heart failure specific educational content, daily missions, feedback, and in-app rewards for completing tasks.
Breast Cancer
About our program
SK-421 is a digital health program supporting people living with breast cancer in the management and tracking of their health and lifestyle behaviors. The product is based on the latest clinical guidelines and evidence for the treatment of breast cancer.
People living with breast cancer deal with a multitude of issues related to their condition and treatment side effects. Increased stress, sleep deprivation, anxiety, depression, and issues with pain and fatigue are among some of the most common challenges people with breast cancer deal with.
The Breast Cancer program from Sidekick Health educates users on how to better manage their diagnosis, treatment options, and potential side effects. The program also features motivational content that encourages users to build sustainable healthy habits in the areas of nutrition, physical activity, sleep and mindfulness to improve their quality of life and mental health.

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Through daily bite-sized missions, the Breast Cancer program supports users holistically through evidence-based neurobehavioral methods focused on reducing cancer distress, limiting pain and fatigue, providing disease-specific education, and supporting physical activity.
As a supplement to the program, the product also provides access to a holistic health coach supporting the user throughout their cancer journey.
The educational content featured in the program is designed to increase users' understanding of their condition. By becoming more aware of the symptoms and side effects associated with breast cancer, users may feel more equipped to manage, communicate, and track their symptoms.

To be diagnosed with breast cancer is a challenge for both body and soul. Along with traditional cancer treatments and support, the Sidekick app is a great addition for cancer patients where the goal is to improve the user's well-being, symptoms, and quality of life.
Dr. Ólöf K. Bjarnadóttir, MD, PhD
High Risk Maternity
About our program
SK-811 is a supportive maternity program centered on empowering users through education, habit creation, and community involvement.
It is specifically designed for high-risk pregnancies in low socio-economic status populations to reduce the likelihood of complications and promote early intervention, treatment adherence, and overall well-being.
The program is built on behavioral science and encourages users to make positive behavioral changes to improve their metabolic health and overall well-being. These positive habits aim to achieve a more favorable outcome for baby and mother during pregnancy, delivery, and beyond.
The High Risk Maternity program also promotes self-efficacy and encourages self-advocacy when navigating a complex environment. Through compassion, trust, and respect, it delivers valuable knowledge for perceived control and understanding of the high-risk condition, along with essential and engaging details on what to expect during pregnancy.
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When dealing with a high risk pregnancy, regular engagement with healthcare professionals is vital as many warning signs can go unnoticed.
The High Risk Maternity program from Sidekick supports users through education, behavioral change support, and direct communication with a dedicated coach/care navigator.
The program offers users tools to monitor their health data so they can easily share this with their HCP, such as their blood sugar and blood pressure numbers. By playing an active and engaged role in their pregnancy journey, users may be more likely to experience positive outcomes, feel supported, and go through pregnancy without complications related to disease progression.
Furthermore, the program adopts a behavior modification approach which focuses on improving blood sugar management and address hyperinsulinemia to better manage symptoms as well as reduce the burden and risk of poor metabolic health. The approach includes nutritional, physical activity, sleep and mental health related goal-setting, behavior tracking, and progress monitoring.